"Beacon: A Naturalistic Driving Dataset During Blackouts for Benchmarki" by Supriya Sarker

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Engineering

Major Professor

Weizi Li

Committee Members

Jian Liu, Xueping Li, Shuai Li


The Beacon study provides insights into urban traffic dynamics during blackouts through the analysis of naturalistic driving data from two intersections in Memphis, TN. We reconstructed the proposed dataset Beacon in three different traffic settings which are (i) unsignalized, (ii) signalized, and (iii) mixed traffic control. We investigate the behavior of traffic at different intersections during traffic light blackout using Beacon dataset. Besides, our findings demonstrate the potential benefits of integrating robot vehicles for traffic management under these conditions, particularly in high-volume conditions. Moreover, the reconstruction of various traffic conditions such as unsignalized, signalized, and mixed showcases the usefulness of Beacon dataset while also revealing areas for improvement in modeling approaches. Our future work will focus on improving traffic simulation accuracy and expanding the dataset for broader applications, enhancing urban traffic resilience.

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