Masters Theses


Dujiu Yang

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

H. W. Crater

Committee Members

A. A. Mason, C. F. Lo, L. M. Davis


The Todorov generalized mass-shell equation (equation in PDF) describes the interaction of two relativistic particles under mutual vector and scalar interaction. It is Lorentz invariant and becomes a simple Schrodinger-like quantum mechanical operator if the relative momentum &prarr; is replaced by quantum operator -ih∇. However, the potentials are arbitrary and need to be determined by a comparison with a field theory. In this thesis, only the classical relativistic two body problem is dealt with. The Wheeler-Feynman classical relativistic field theory is used to determine the expressions for the potentials above (S(),V(, &Vrarr;) through order 1/c4, extending earlier work by H.W. Crater and P.Van Alstine done through order 1/c2. Then this thesis also shows how the forms of the relativistic reduced mass mw, and energy ew, of the fictitious particle of relative motion used in the Todorov equation are determined dynamically by field theory. Thus, the Todorov model is determined dynamically with the correct potentials and relativistic reduced mass and energy through order 1/c4 and is fully relativistic.

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