Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

David Mutchler

Committee Members

David Straight, Michael Vose


Bridge is a card game consisting of two main parts: the auction, where each player attempts to convey the nature of his hand to his partner, in hopes of arriving at a final contract; the play, where the hands are played to see if the team taking the bid (winning the auction) can successfully fulfill their contract. Thus to create an automated bridge-player, a major part is creating an automated bidder. We discuss our implementation of a bridge-bidding system, and examine the methods used to ensure the consistency of our knowledge base. While the bidding system is far from complete, we feel substantial progress has been made towards the realization of the world's greatest bidder, a crucial portion of the desired world's greatest bridge-player.

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