Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Jon White

Committee Members

Marilyn Kallet, Robert Stillman


The story of Will Thornton and Christina O'Shaunessy is set in London and Dublin, places full of history, mythology, and magic. Here Christina and Will follow their individual quests for salvation. Christina meets Will on a business trip to London. Though she's made it big in the Atlanta publishing business, Christina often feels incompetent and insecure because she knows that her mien is no more than the elaborately-worked mask of modernism. Will, on the other hand, seems the perfect, self-possessed Englishman. Christina soon suspects that Will, however, has a secret. He is not what he seems to be. Christina begins to realize that the odd dreams she is having, the ring inherited from her mother and Will’s interest in her are all intertwined. Torn between her need to make real her images of the perfect lover and the reality of danger that Will threatens her with, Christina makes a set of decisions that will change her life forever.

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