Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Major Professor

W. L. Butefish

Committee Members

Sam Yates, M. Everett Myer


Informal centers of science learning use formative evaluation when they prototype exhibits and programs and test them for concept clarity (i.e., to determine if naive notions of science are not being reinforced), proper use, and cost effectiveness. Summative evaluation, on the other hand, is a final formal evaluation that is performed on an exhibits or programs at the end of their useful lives. A questionnaire was sent to 210 educators whose institutions are members of the Association of Science- Technology Centers to determine the types and uses of summative and formative evaluation at these centers. Forty-two of these questionnaires representing 31 states were returned. The questionnaires provided data about the institutions with respect to their sizes, budgets, ages, and numbers of people on their educational staffs, as well as their educational programming, and the types of formative and summative evaluation used. The data revealed that both summative and formative evaluation processes are used primarily by medium-sized and large museums, and museums older than 10 years of age. Smaller museums used these processes to a far lesser degree. The data showed that large and medium-sized museums who used summative and formative evaluation processes find them beneficial, therefore all science museums should seriously consider the following: museum's producing in-house exhibits should commit, if not in whole, at least in part, to formative evaluation of exhibits; (b) science museums should commit to "front end" analysis to assess the needs and wants of visitors before producing exhibits and programs; (c) science museums should commit to formative evaluation of educational programs and materials produced in-house; (d) science museums should commit to "exhibit autopsies" at the end of each exhibit's active life; (e) science museums should commit to summative evaluation of their educational programming at the end of their active lives; and (f) if a science center needs held in the development of formative and summative evaluation procedures, it should not hesitate to hire a consultant.

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