Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Engineering Science

Major Professor

Firouz Shahrokhi

Committee Members

Jack Hansen, Charles Paludan


This paper presents an overview of satellite telemetry tracking systems including applications, and focuses on the tracking of a moving object. The study had two main divisions, the first was stationary testing and the second was motion testing, and involved the use of two different types of satellite transmitters. The purpose of both these divisions was threefold. The first goal was to demonstrate the capability of accurate location of a moving object using a commercially available satellite telemetry technique. The second goal was to compare and evaluate the performance of the solar powered and battery powered transmitters. The third was to demonstrate that an object in an unknown location could be located quickly and accurately. All of these goals were met through the use of two objects in the motion portion of the study, an automobile and an American Bald Eagle. The paper is not intended to be a thorough treatment of satellite telemetry tracking techniques, however, it is intended to be a solid introduction to this technique and show the technique's feasibility for use in tracking commercial shipments and vehicles, and endangered species.

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