Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

San-Mou Jeng

Committee Members

Roy Schulz, Ahmad VaJcili


This thesis presents an experimental study on high-pressure suspended droplet combustion. The high-pressure combustion chamber, droplet support and temperature measurement probes, and optical imaging technique are described. Experimental results for n-Heptane droplet combustion are presented for reduced pressures ranging from Pr = 0.178 to Pr = 2.305. Primal data includes the transient internal temperature and transient droplet images, for test pressures less than 200 psia, or transient soot plume images, for test pressures greater than 200 psia. Derived measurements include mean gasification rate constants for the d2 vaporization law and mean mass burning rates. Theoretical implications from the experimental program are discussed. Development of a droplet-on-demand generator for future free-droplet tests is described, and a discussion of future experimental plans is presented.

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