Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

D. W. Bouldin

Committee Members

Robert E. Bodenheimer, Marshall Pace


Before delivery of an electronic assembly to a customer, a means of testing must be developed to insure that the assembly is working as specified prior to shipment. At Texas Instruments's (TI) Industrial System Division, electronic assemblies are tested on a Final Test Station to verify the functionality of the device before shipment. The Resolver Position Tracker (RPT) is a microprocessor based device which is used to monitor resolver positions on a robot arm. This device is being manufactured at TI's plant in Johnson City, Tennessee. The test station that is used for the final testing of RPT is also used for the final test of other products in a family of programmable robot controllers. For this reason, a custom interface is required to interface the device being tested to Final Test Station. In addition to providing connections from general purpose commercial test equipment such as digital voltmeters, function generators, and power supplies, this interface has to generate signals that are particular only to the RPT. Control of the commercial test equipment and circuitry in the interface is done by software designed specifically for the test of the RPT. This test station is the final operation in the manufacturing process of the RPT module before shipment to the customer.

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