Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

D. W. Tenago

Committee Members

James D. Moran, Lynn Blinn


The dreams of 55 fifth graders were collected for three days and the dream content was coded for realistic properties, location changes and word count. Creativity was assessed by an ideational fluency task, a global rating of creativity and evaluation of a drawing of the dream and its title. No significant correlations were found between the dream content variables and the ideational fluency measure. The drawing of the dream and title were likewise unrelated to dream content. However, the average global rating of creativity correlated significantly with each dream content variable. T-tests between high creatives (N = 8) and low creatives (N = 9) revealed significant differences on word count and global rating of creativity. These results were discussed in regard to the measurement of creativity and how it is related to primary process thinking.

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