Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Josette H. Rabun

Committee Members

Walter Moran, Jamie Kridler


The purposes of this study were: to analyze the options for the adaptive use of surplus schools in an effort to find a suitable and profitable end use for Tyson Middle School, to provide historical and physical documentation on this abandoned school, and to develop an adaptive use plan illustrating how the structure can be converted to a new use. To accomplish these goals, Tyson Middle School, located at 2607 Kingston Pike, Knoxville Tennessee was selected for this case study. This study is divided into four parts: literature review analyzing similar abandoned school buildings converted to new uses, while searching for influential factors used by developers and investors to determine the end use of their structure. historic research reconstructing the history of this former educational facility. documenting the physical characteristics that determine the significant interior and exterior features of this structure. adaptive use design proposal, using schematics, to illustrate how the building can be successfully converted. Based on the results of the related case study review, the physical documentation of the structure, and the needs of the client, the author decided on an office complex as the ideal design solution.

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