Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Communication and Information

Major Professor

Roxanne Hovland

Committee Members

Ronald E. Taylor, Eric Haley


China has the largest smoker population in the world. Since 2006, with China as a member country of WHO FCTC (World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control), the country has seen more and more antismoking campaigns on various kinds of media both national and local. However, the effectiveness of these antismoking campaigns is still not clear, especially within Chinese traditional smoking culture background.

Adopting an in-depth interview approach, this study explores how different antismoking campaign strategies in terms of Taylor’s Six-segment Massage Strategy Wheel could influence smoking cessation of Chinese adult smokers who have quitting experience. Research questions focus on identifying participants’ experience, feelings, and attitudes toward smoking, quitting or restarting smoking, as well as antismoking campaigns in terms of different message strategies. Based on the interview feedback, the social, rational and routine message strategies are suggested to be more positive in changing both people’s opinion and behavior. According to the author’s discussion, making any combinations among these three strategies might be ideal alternatives for effective Chinese antismoking campaigns. These results are expected to help Chinese decision makers conduct effective tobacco control.

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