Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Ching F. Lo

Committee Members

R. J. Schulz, A. D. Vakili


The purpose of this research was to develop a prototype expert system built around the Diffuser Performance Program written by Mr. Bob Bauer of Calspan Corporation. The Diffuser Performance Program predicts the performance of the diffuser section of a blowdown type wind tunnel. The expert system was intended to have two main capabilities; assist the user in understanding the program inputs and assigning correct values to them, then execute the Diffuser Program and provide an interpretation of the diffuser's performance in text and graphical formats.

This thesis describes the components, structure and capabilities of the Diffuser Expert System. A brief synopsis of the Diffuser Performance Program is included with complete charts of the variables and equations. The structure of the expert system is described with each of the component program's function identified. And finally, the results of the expert system and their potential value to a user are discussed.

A final section of this thesis outlines future work that would be necessary to bring the expert system from the prototype level to an actual operating system.

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