Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Nuclear Engineering
Major Professor
Laurence F. Miller
Committee Members
Peter Groer, James E. Turner
A surface radiological investigation of Trench 5 and surrounding environs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was conducted intermittently from May 1990 through November 1990 by members of the Measurements and Applications Development (MAD) Group of the Health and Safety Research Division (HASRD) at ORNL. The purposes of this investigation were twofold. First, the presence, nature, and extent of any surface radiological contamination were explored. Second, based on the data gathered, interim corrective measures were recommended to limit human exposure to radioactivity and to minimize the environmental dispersion of radioactive contaminants.
Numerous surface contamination spots with elevated exposure rates were identified in areas circumjacent to the trench. The asphalt cap covering the trench showed generally lower exposure rates except for very high collimated radiation fields at vent openings in the asphalt. The primary soil contaminant was 137Cs. Strontium-90 was present in some vegetation near the trench, so it is most likely present in the nearby soil as well..
Several areas were strewn with metal, rubber, and plastic pipe sections. Alpha, beta, and gamma contamination was discovered on the metal pipes; some beta contamination was removable.
Seven shallow wells containing uranium and fission products in a nitric acid solution are located near the trench. Each of these wells appears to be wholly intact; no surface contamination was detected.
Recommended Citation
Goff, David Duane, "Surface radiological investigations at trench 5 : a waste disposal site. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1991.