Masters Theses


Kenneth Monar

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Polymer Engineering

Major Professor

Paul J. Phillips

Committee Members

Joseph E. Spruiell, Roberto S. Benson


First, the pertinent literature od DNA reserach and supporting areas are reviewed, including: chemistry, conformation, the effect of hydration, supramolecular structures, condensed states in-vivo and in-vitro, analogies from ionomers, the lyotropic liquid crystalline state, the morphology of semicrystalline polymers and crystal growth via secondary nucleation processes. Methodology is discussed and the extensive results are presented for primarilly one crystal form and the effect of the degree of hydration on the growth of this form. Light scattering and optical crystallography are used to relate two forms and additional morphologies are noted as a function of hydration state. Supramolecular condensed states of DNA are documented as well as the participation of such structures in the growth process. An alternative path of study is presented, together with some preliminary supporting results. Finally, the results are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.

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