Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Planning

Major Professor

David A. Johnson

Committee Members

George E. Bowen, Joseph M. Prochaska


This study attempts to identify the critical issues and problems of decentralized development planning at the district levels of Riau Province, Indonesia. It also examines the major components and roles of each level of governments in the district development process. The decentralization theory is described in literature review. The experiences of Riau Province implementing the district development process are examined in this study. The study concluded that the district perspective should adopt incremental changes in terms of: reviewing existing regulations and policies related to the district development process, increasing the capacities of district governments including institutional and financial aspects, and developing realistic roles and tasks for central and provincial governments as they impact district development processes. The need to increase and to specify citizen participation such as local businesses, and development experts from among college people and other interests, in the district development process as well as plan implementation was a primary recommendation. The final conclusion was the need to utilize various criteria for the redistribution of central and provincial government revenues and for the distribution of subsidy, development projects and budgets from central and provincial governments to district levels.

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