Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Planning

Major Professor

Kenneth B. Kenney


This research presents an overview of the Tennessee Technology Corridor High-Technology Overlay Zone from its creation in 1981 until 1989. The case study method was used to research this topic relying upon interviews, newspaper articles, internal working documents of the Tennessee Technology Foundation, and official public records. A detailed evaluation of the various land control devices examined in developing the Overlay Zone, the political, financial, and administrative ramifications for the device created, and the final product is detailed in this research. The implementation of the Overlay Zone is discussed at length. The developments that occurred between 1981 - 1989 and the results of the Tennessee Technology Corridor Development Authority's actions are detailed. Finally, an overview of community perceptions of the Overlay Zone, past and present, is included. The research found that it hard to measure the "success" of the corridor. The Overlay Zone has served its purpose, but supporting elements needed to effect economic development in this region have not been supplied. The conclusion reached is that a creative use of the Development Authority's powers, a well-funded national marketing effort, and infrastructure improvements need to be provided in this area in order to facilitate the growth desired. Zoning, in and of itself, can help to maintain a positive atmosphere but cannot be expected to facilitate development without other factors present.

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