Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

John Gaventa

Committee Members

Sherry Cable, Donald Cleland


There is a wide spread and growing movement across the country to redemocratize the United States by encouraging citizens to become actively involved in the political system. Instead of working through the existing political structure, this movement is taking place at a grassroots, community level. Communities are organizing to address community concerns and to affect social change. The underlying theme of the organizations is to increase citizen participation in the political process. The literature addressing community organizing implies that there is one method to grassroots organizing. Yet, in east Tennessee there are two such groups. Alliance for a Better Tomorrow and Save Our Cumberland Mountains, which are perceived by each other and others as being radically different in their organizing styles. The purpose of this thesis is to identify what the styles of organizing are that these organizations employ and to determine if the two approaches are significantly different. A comparative analysis is achieved by utilizing a multiple-case study research design. A combination of participant observation, interviews, and document analysis provided a comprehensive view of the two groups. The study revealed that ABT and SOCM do employ significantly different styles of community organizing, These differences are not solely based on organizational structure or preferred strategies and tactics. Instead, these particular choices reflect the ideological differences in the organizations. The real difference between the groups then is due to ABT and SOCM's varying concepts of social change. Their definitions and implementations of strategies to affect social change — empowering the individual or creating a powerful organization, consequently reveal their emphasis on democratic participation. This thesis provides an unique case study of grassroots organizing and empowerment in this region and argues for more effort in this area by social scientists.

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