Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Performance and Sport Studies

Major Professor

Edward T. Howley

Committee Members

Ralph Jones, Davis Bassett


This research attempted to determine if a difference in anaerobic power exists between black and white males and females between the ages of eleven and thirteen. To make this determination, fifty-seven black males and fifty-six white males were randomly chosen from one predominantly black school and one predominantly white school. The black males tested significantly better in the fifty yard dash (P=.032) and the standing long jump (P=.012). However, when cross-referenced for body fat percentage, no significant difference was found. In the female portion of the study, fifty-three black students and fifty-three white students were randomly chosen from the same schools. The black females fared significantly better in the fifty yard dash (P=.000) and the standing long jump (P=.000) despite having significantly more body fat.

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