Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Planning

Major Professor

George E. Bowen

Committee Members

Joe Prochaska, David Johnson


The purpose of this thesis was to research the strategy used in Helen, Georgia to revitalize its downtown. In 1969 Helen residents and businessmen developed their Main Street into a major tourist destination by adopting a Bavarian theme. The Main Street approach, initiated by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, was used as a basis for comparison with the approach emphasized in Helen. Other revitalization strategies were also used in the comparison. The method of study consisted of personal interviews with those involved with the revitalization of Helen. Research questions included: What was done, who was involved, problems encountered, strategies employed, organizations associated, and actions taken to revitalize Helen. Other details concerning government controls regulating growth, promotion, economic impacts and land use effects derived from tourism, and matters pertaining to Helen's success and its future were also examined. Many similarities were found among the approaches used in Helen and other revitalization strategies. However, major differences concerning organization and design were also evident. The final chapter furnishes recommendations, based on the approach used in Helen, Georgia, for communities considering downtown revitalization. Strong leadership is necessary for Main Street revitalization. Good design can help promote visitation and provide a theme for property owners to follow. Regulations may be needed to insure theme compliance. Good timing, appropriate financial support, a diversity of activities, regional location and necessary infrastructure to support growth are other essential elements for revitalization. Community size on the other hand does not appear to be a significant factor. Downtown revitalization may not happen instantly. Often it is a process characterized by incremental improvements over time, the sum total of which can equal large scale change.

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