Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Ching F. Lo

Committee Members

Ahmad Vakili, Bruce Whitehead


In this thesis, we have developed a computerized environment to categorize, manage, and analyze operating parameters on the Space Shuttle Main Engine. These parameters are pressures, temperatures, positions, etc., that are monitored during test stand firings and orbiter flights. They provide the engine controller with the required information needed to control the performance of the engine during the engine run phase. Included in the system is a host of supporting material, schematics, documentation, and descriptions that aid engineers in their analysis of these parameters.

This was achieved using a commercial hypertext program to enter, store, and display the information and knowledge gathered in this process. The author's technical analysis and experience with the material enabled him to organize and integrate the different varieties of information available into an efficient and practical system for data analysis. Engineers now have a useful analysis tool that provides numerous categories to organize these parameters where originally they were only sorted by a single category. Users also have on-line access to knowledge that was previously only available in manuals and other hard-copy forms. Related pieces of information are interconnected and are readily accessible using the system of links developed through this project.

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