Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Engineering Science

Major Professor

Thomas G. Carley

Committee Members

Jack Wasserman, Osama Soliman


The objective of this project is twofold: To develop a useful toolbox of engineering tools that will aid researchers involved in discrete signal processing problems: and to develop an effective paradigm for computer-aided instruction using a hypertext model in an engineering environment.

To meet these objectives, this project consists of two distinct parts. The first is a software emulation of instrumentation typically used for discrete signal processing. This includes a virtual instrument, in the form of a function generator, used to generate digital representations of time domain signals and a virtual instrument, in the form of a spectrum analyzer, for the analysis of digital signals in the frequency domain. Additional discrete signal processing functions were implemented into a useful set of toolbox routines that could be used to manipulate the digital data.

The second part of the project consists of a hypertext system and database designed for the demands of computer-aided instruction. The specific orientation of this hypertext database favors those wishing to learn about digital signal processing; however, the design of the hypertext system ( linking, searching and navigation structures ) does not preclude its use in other fields that might benefit from the ability to recall and dynamically link different types of information.

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