Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Gleb Mamantov

Committee Members

W. Bull, E. Wehry


Conductance and EMF studies of CaCl2-based melts were performed in the temperature range 790°C - 990°C. Conductivity data collected using magnesia tubes and capillaries showed deviations from the data recommended by the National Bureau of Standards. These deviations are attributed to the slow dissolution of magnesia by the CaCl2-CaO melt. Conductivity data for molten CaCl2 using a pyrolytic boron nitride capillary were in reasonable agreement with the recommended data; however, undissolved CaO in CaCl2 may have caused blockage of the pyrolytic boron nitride capillary, resulting in fluctuations in the measured resistance. The utility of the AgCl/Ag reference electrode in CaC2-AgCl and CaCl2-CaO-AgCl melts, using asbestos diaphragms and Vycor glass as reference half-cell membranes, was also investigated. Nernstian behavior was observed using both types of reference half-cell membranes in CaCl2-AgCl melts. The AgCl/Ag reference electrode also exhibited Nernstian behavior in CaCl2-CaO-AgCl melts using a Vycor reference half-cell membrane and a magnesia crucible.

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