Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

D. W. Bouldin

Committee Members

Robert E. Bodenheimer, Daniel B. Koch


The design and implementation of a microcomputer-based video analysis system is described in this thesis. Both hardware and software development were required to produce a system capable of testing various types of video cards. The hardware design included not only a microprocessor but also programmable digital logic and analog circuitry. The software design included the use of CUPL to develop the programmable logic, MCS BASIC-52 for internal control of the microcomputer, and QuickBASIC programs for the BASIC-52 development environment. QuickBASIC was also used as trial development software for the test station. The test system objective is to replace all forms of operator-assisted video testing currently performed on the production floor. This video testing technique results in improved product quality and higher test coverage.

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