Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Landscape Architecture


Human Performance and Sport Studies

Major Professor

Wendell P. Liemohn

Committee Members

Craig Wrisberg, Mike Hannum


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between: (a) non-ambulatory status of children with spastic quadriplegia (SQ) and spastic diplegia (SD) at age 4 years with current ambulatory status and (b) non-ambulatory status among these children at age 7 years and ultimate development of independent ambulation. The physical therapy records of 26 students with a diagnosis of SQ or SD who met criteria to be included in the study were reviewed. Of the 21 children with SQ who were non-ambulatory at age 4 years, all continued to be non-ambulatory at 7 years and are currently non-ambulatory. Of the five children with SD who were non-ambulatory at age 4 years, two were non-ambulatory at 7 years and three are currently non-ambulatory. The two children with SD who were non-ambulatory at age 7 continue to be non-ambulatory. The results appear to indicate: (a) a relationship between non-ambulatory status at age 4 years and ultimate non-ambulatory status for children with SQ (b) no relationship between non-ambulatory status at 4 years and ultimate ambulatory status for children with SD and (c) remote prospects for the development of independent ambulation in children with SQ who are non-ambulatory at age 7 years. Further study is needed to determine whether children with SD who are non-ambulatory at 7 years ever acquire independent ambulation.

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