Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Paul B. Crilly

Committee Members

Robert E. Bodenheimer, Donald W. Bouldin


An interrupt-driven microprocessor operates using priority levels to indicate which of multiple interrupt sources is currently being serviced, with a wait state to indicate that no interrupts are active. By monitoring and timestamping priority level and wait state activity, an analysis tool for an interrupt-driven microprocessor can be implemented. This thesis describes the design of such a tool, the Priority Event Monitor, for the SOLO microprocessor, proprietary to IBM.

The Priority Event Monitor consists of a PS/2 Microchannel computer, hardware for observing priority activity on the SOLO processor, and a SCSI bus link between the PS/2 and the hardware. The Priority Event Monitor digital architecture and the decisions leading to that architecture are covered, and the hardware architecture is shown and described.

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