Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Major Professor

Dwayne McCay

Committee Members

Harold J. Schmidt, John T. Lineberry


The objective of this research was to collect experimental data on a residential, forced convection, natural gas fired furnace. Experiments were conducted to measure and record local heat transfer data that could be used in future modeling efforts in support of design studies.

Temperature and velocity measurements were taken in the comfort air stream and combustion products stream which were separated by heat exchanger walls. These measurements were taken internal to the furnace volume and at the exhaust of the heat exchangers. The experimental data were verified by comparison to rated values for the furnace and heat exchanger theory.

The result of this research is that appropriate experimental data which can be used to support subsequent modeling studies was collected. In addition, several suggestions for potential design improvements have been presented as a result of this work. It was also concluded that the furnace studied meets design specifications and is shown to be highly competitive with other high efficiency furnaces.

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