Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Thomas G. Hallam

Committee Members

Lou Gross, Suzanne Lenhart


The purpose of the study was to create the ability to track accumulation of mercury and its effects on a population through a computer simulation. In particular, an individual-oriented model of a wading bird nesting colony was expanded to include the relevant aspects of mercury contamination. The mercury was present at specified levels in the fish of the environment. An uptake model was used for monitoring the concentrations of mercury in the birds due to consumption of such fish. The effects of mercury change the birds habits and capabilities according to the concentrations within the birds. The parameters controlling onset and extent of the effects were tested to see the resulting impact on the colony. Resulting population sizes, and food intake levels were compared. The model lays the groundwork for the way effects of a contaminant can be implemented in an individual-oriented model. The availability of more data on effects to particular species would allow the accuracy of our assumptions to be improved.

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