Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

James Spencer


This research examined how mid-sized cities use zoning to achieve downtown planning objectives. A mail survey of 79 mid-sized cities identified zoning techniques used in downtowns across the country, the objectives of using particular techniques, non-zoning approaches to achieving downtown goals, and preliminary opinions of respondents about the effectiveness of zoning techniques at accomplishing revitalization objectives. Respondents also provided opinions on factors that may indirectly influence zoning technique effectiveness, such as the state of the economy and the support of local officials and the community for downtown. From cities that responded to the mail survey, Charlotte, North Carolina, and Boise, Idaho, were chosen for further case study research. The case studies included interviews with city planners, building officials, appointed and elected officials, downtown business interests, and downtown developers. The mail survey revealed that many mid-sized cities have adapted a variety of zoning approaches to their downtowns, and that most survey respondents are positive about the effectiveness of zoning to accomplish downtown objectives. Other than traditional Euclidean zoning controls, the techniques most reported were conditional use controls, site plan review, sign controls, historic preservation standards, parking design standards, curb cut controls, overlay zones, streetscape and landscape standards, special districts, and scale/character/material standards. Although transfer of development rights, linkage programs, and incentive zoning are all approaches that have received considerable attention in the planning literature, they were not well-represented among the cities surveyed, possibly because of administrative and market factors. The two case studies demonstrated that broad differences in approach are possible, even when cities apply the same basic zoning techniques. A community's particular cultural, historical, economic, and political background and its vision for downtown were identified as important variables in structuring an effective downtown zoning approach. Charlotte, responding to rapid downtown growth and with a clear vision of what its downtown should be, adopted a new zoning approach centered on staff-administered site plan approval according to highly specific design and development standards. In contrast, Boise incrementally added overlay regulations to its traditional downtown zoning as its vision of downtown evolved. Its approach centered on site plan approval by various committees and commissions in a public hearing setting, based on more discretionary design and development standards. The thesis concludes with a set of guidelines for revising a downtown zoning approach, compiled from the case studies, that list considerations important to choosing zoning techniques, structuring an effective set of administrative review and enforcement procedures, and coordinating a zoning approach with other public and private downtown revitalization efforts. The research showed that although zoning is weak at stimulating development in particular downtown locations within mid-sized cities, it is strongest at providing a framework for ensuring high quality development that complements other downtown revitalization approaches.

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