"Creating a Brand Experience Across Media Channels" by Virginia Gibson Switzer

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Communication and Information

Major Professor

John Haas

Committee Members

Jim Stovall and Lisa Fall


This study examines how messages marketed through different media channels impact a consumer’s brand experience. The goal of this study was to explore the extent to which consumers experience brands through media channels. This study relies on four focus group sessions and a thematic content analysis to gather findings. It was discovered that consumers viewed customer service as the leading characteristic in brand loyalty.

Consumers were primarily impacted by brands through consumer reviews, reliable sources, convenience and special promotions. Participants chose reliable print mediums as a resource to research products. Online sources were the leading medium for reading consumer reviews and learning more about a product, through larger imagery and product descriptions. Mobile devices were utilized for convenience and immediacy. Lastly, consumers reported their desire for more personalization and target marketing a brands continue to evolve. These findings provide insight into further developing strategies for marketing and mass communication.

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