Masters Theses


Don C. Eller

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Performance and Sport Studies

Major Professor

Joy R. DeSensi

Committee Members

Nancy E. Lay


This research attempted to establish the specific state legal requirements for physical education in each state and the District of Columbia. State Directors of Physical Education were interviewed over the phone regarding the status of physical education in their state. Questions pertained to: (a) legal requirements, (b) classroom teachers teaching physical education requirements in the elementary schools, and (c) substitutions for physical education. The results of the study presented a problem in accurately portraying exactly what was taking place in physical education at the state level. It was concluded that there was no valid comparison from one state to another, and that in order to find out exactly what the status of physical education in the American educational system is, a study would have to be done on an individual school basis.

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