Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Sam Swan


This research project seeks to determine news director attitudes toward television news consultants. It asks the news directors if consultation firms are truly effective in improving a station's overall news product and ratings. The study also calls to interview representatives of the three major consulting firms — Frank Magid and Associates, Audience Research and Development and McHugh and Hoffman. This thesis project asks the consultants about their own methods of helping a station improve, and further shares with the representatives the information gathered from the news directors. The findings are based on a confidential mail questionnaire sent to three hundred news directors in markets all over the country. The survey included questions about the effectiveness of the consultant's advice, how often it was implemented, and the personal relationship between the news director and consultant. The consultants, in turn, were asked about some of their methods for helping a client, and what are some of the changes we are seeing now in the consulting business. The results indicate the majority of the news directors surveyed like what their consultants do for them, and want to keep the same consultant on board. Findings show most stations surveyed said ratings had increased since the consultant started working with them, and news directors gave partial credit to the consultation firms. The consultants said their role is changing in today's newsroom, with an emphasis now on research.

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