Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Jesse H. Poore

Committee Members

Ronald Leinius, David Straight


The primary purpose of this research Is to design a database for the Cleanroom Software Engineering Environment system. Eight Increments of the system have been Implemented using IBM C/2, OS/2, and Presentation Manager. Metrics from design, verification, engineering changes, and certification are needed. This thesis documents an attempt to design a comprehensive database, data entry screens, and reports to collect and maintain metrics from all aspects of Cleanroom development. This thesis documents the data structures and design of the existing Cleanroom Software Engineering Environment system In order to establish a foundation for Incorporating a new database design. References to the existing design are used to provide a clear understanding of the proposed changes. Based upon a comprehensive search for database software tools meeting the system requirements, Q+E Database Library by Pioneer Software was chosen to aid developers In Implementation of the proposed database. Recommendations are made In regard to the use of the Q+E Database Library software. A database dictionary details proposed changes and additions to the current data structures. The proposed database structures contain all the Information required for metric collection and reporting. Data and processing flow details are presented with the Incorporation of the proposed database design. Data entry screens are shown with explanations of all updates and validations. Proposed project development reports have been designed and the data sources for each field are provided.

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