Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Polymer Engineering

Major Professor

John F. Fellers

Committee Members

R. A. Benson P. J. Phillips


The experimental measurement of fiber surface roughness, by small-angle light back scattering coupled with Fourier transform analysis is presented. In addition the effects of scattering equipment parameters and fiber diameter, on the back scattering pattern, are investigated. A literature review on small-angle light scattering was performed to determine the extent of previous work in surface roughness determination. The review also provides the background information necessary to discuss the current research effort. A literature review was also conducted on the mathematical development of scattering theory for smooth and rough surfaces as well as the determination of surface roughness from scattering data using both epical and numerical methods for achieving Fourier transformations. The purpose of the research was to develop a method for accurately determining and quantitatively characterizing surface roughness, for comparing the surface roughness of different samples, and a method for graphically representing the surface topography.

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