Masters Theses


Mei Zhang

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Bruce A. Ralston

Committee Members

Thomas L. Bell, John B. Rehder


This thesis involves the development of an object oriented programming (OOP) program generator for building models which integrate with CIS packages, such as Arclnfo. The OOP approach allows the user to concentrate more on the relationships between spatial entities than on program coding. The generator uses an OOP computer language, C++, to construct programs of spatial processes. These programs incorporate the OOP components of classes, procedures and function prototypes that are necessary for spatial models that require the formulation of some type of matrix. Such programs have the characteristics of being easy to change and can handle complex formulations. Three linear programming examples are used to illustrate the OOP structure of matrix based problems. The necessary classes and relationships for these problems are presented. The generator is then used to create the OOP implementation code for the LPs.

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