Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Susan M. Lucarelli

Committee Members

Jerry Morrow, James Crook


The purpose of this study was to examine the public relations and fund-raising strategies used to build The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Also studied were the rise and role of active publics. This thesis was based on interviews with influential Aquarium supporters, on reports that appeared in The Chattanooga Times, The Chattanooga News-Free Press and other publications. Letters, memoranda, studies and task force reports were examined as well. The study showed that the success of The Tennessee Aquarium can be traced to the volunteer spirit of active supporter publics; the leadership of an enlightened benefactor; an aggressive media campaign; and experienced volunteer fundraisers. Solid public relations efforts were at the heart of this success and proved to be the springboard from which successful fund-raising campaigns were launched. Aquarium backers worked to win broad-based public support for the aquarium. However, the possibility of higher taxes threatened to undermine support for the project until the Aquarium was rescued with private funds. Broad-based support also was sought in the fund-raising campaigns, which were volunteer-driven by experienced fund raisers with important connections. Marketing Director James Hekkers worked to coalesce a "fractured" tourism industry in Chattanooga, and launched in 1992 a comprehensive public relations and marketing plan.

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