Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Ahmad D. Vakili

Committee Members

Ching Lo, James Wu


This research attempted to quantitatively characterize the velocity field of a confined vortex in both single cell and multi cell modes as part of a larger research program attempting to understand the relationships between vortex stability and unsteady excitations. Although the motivation for the research program was to gain insight into vortex stability characteristics of the high pressure arc heater, the research results will have broad applications to many fluid dynamic problems. An experimental program was conducted which obtained quantitative measurements in a water tunnel model geometrically similar to a high pressure arc heater. Single cell vortex data agreed well with the Burgers Vortex Model. Data was also obtained which will support the development of a three cell vortex theory. An analysis was conducted which addresses the similarity and utility of using water to simulate the high temperature air environment of the arc heater.

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