Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Michael W. Berry

Committee Members

Jack Dongarra, David Straight


The PVM Queue Manager (QM) application addresses some of the load balancing problems associated with the heterogeneous, multi-user, computing environments for which PVM was designed. In such environments, PVM is not only confronted with the difficulties of distributing tasks among machines of variable loads, it must also contend with machines of varying performance levels in the same virtual machine. The QM addresses both of these problems using two different load balancing techniques, one static, the other dynamic. In its simplest (static) mode, the QM will initiate PVM processes for the user on demand, taking into account information such as the peak megaflops/sec and actual load of each machine. In addition to the initiation of processes, the QM will also accept tasks to be completed by a specified PVM process type. These tasks are shipped to the QM where they are kept in a FIFO queue. Worker processes in the virtual machine send idle messages to the QM when they are ready for a task, and the QM ships a task to the process if there is one (of a type matching the process) in the queue. The QM also maintains a list of idle processes and chooses the best one for the task, should one arrive when several processes are idle. Since faster machines typically send more idle messages (and receive more tasks) than slower ones, this provides a level of dynamic load balancing for the system. Three applications have already been implemented using the QM within PVM: a Mandelbrot image generator, a conjugate-gradient algorithm, and a map analysis program used in landscape ecology applications. Benchmarks of elapsed wall-clock time comparing standard PVM versions with the QM-based versions demonstrate substantial performance gains for both methods of load balancing. When processing a 1000 x 1000 image, for example, the QM-based Mandelbrot application averaged 63.92 seconds, compared to 139.62 seconds for the standard PVM version in a heterogenous network of five workstations (comprised of Sun4's and an IBM RS/6000).

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