Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Kathleen Lawler

Committee Members

James Lawler, Deborah Baldwin


This research attempted to provide an historical perspective concerning the development of the diagnosis of Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), review the most common treatments available, and explore the viability of neurofeedback as an additional treatment for ADHD. The development and rationale of neurofeedback and the procedures are fully explained in the text. The two case studies presented underwent the full neurofeedback program for the treatment of ADHD. Although both subjects showed some definite improvements post-treatment, the subject who was not hyperactive and not on any type of pharmacological regime, showed the most dramatic improvements, in terms of performance on I.Q. tests. It was concluded that neurofeedback can be considered a viable alternative and/or adjunctive treatment for the learning disorder known as ADHD, however, there is still considerable research to be conducted concerned with greater controls and more replication of the pioneering efforts already published.

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