Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

R. Kimberlin

Committee Members

Robert B. Richards, Peter Solies


The CH-53E Super Sea Stallion Helicopter was procured by the United States Marine Corps to supplement the CH-53A/D helicopter for the combat assault/support mission and is designed to be the heaviest lifting helicopter capable of lifting 32,000 lb. The purpose of this thesis was to determine the performance capabilities of the aircraft, its ability to conduct the mission for which it was designed, and to discuss a potential solution for the aircraft's shortcomings. The performance capabilities of the aircraft were determined from a limited flight test evaluation conducted at the United States Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS) from 13 to 20 November 1985 during k flights, totalling 6.0 flight hours. Flight test methods were in accordance with USNTPS helicopter performance manuals. The three T64-GE-416 engines as installed in the CH-53E provide excellent maximum level flight, cruise, endurance, and range characteristics for which future helicopter designs should strive to achieve. The tropical and hot day hover and vertical climb characteristics, however, are insufficient to conduct some of the missions for which the aircraft is designed. As a solution, the potential increased performance capabilities of the CH-53E with T406-AD-400 engines were examined. The T406-AD-400 engines provide hover and vertical climb performance capabilities up to and exceeding the transmission limits of the aircraft. The fuel specifics of the T406-AD-400 installed CH-53E suffer as compared to the CH-53E with T64-GE-416 engines. The T406-AD-400 engines installed in the CH-53E will provide the power necessary to meet all of the aircraft design objectives. The urgency of meeting those requirements will have to outweigh the costs of re-engining the aircraft.

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