Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Ralph D. Kimberlin

Committee Members

Robert B. Richards, Peter Solies


This thesis summarizes the performance characteristics of the SH-2F Seasprite helicopter. Aircraft flight test data is presented including analysis and discussion of the test results. The aircraft performance was compared with the United States Navy's newest antisubmarine warfare and antiship surveillance and targeting helicopter, the SH-60B design specification to determine deficient performance characteristics. The significant deficiencies were single engine vertical climb performance and ASW and ASST mission tabulated performance (the ability of the aircraft to perform the mission as defined in the detail specification), which is related to mission fuel available. The deficiencies discovered during flight testing were analyzed to determine the most cost effective method to correct the deficient areas. An analysis of power required is the basis for the proposed correction of the deficiencies, and a recommendation of replacing the T58-GE-8F turboshaft engine with the T700-GE-401 turboshaft engine which corrects two of the three major deficiencies is made. Additionally, aerodynamic fairing of the main rotor and tail rotor hubs is also recommended which should further enhance the mission tabulated performance.

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