Masters Theses


Lisa Pollard

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Major Professor

Thomas Ryan

Committee Members

Ed Roeske, Mark Christiansen


The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to determine whether a Freireian approach to poetry increased students' knowledge of poetry as a craft and as an art; (2) to determine whether a Freireian approach to poetry enhanced students' perceptions of poetry; (3) to ascertain to what extent, if any, a Freireian approach to poetry increased students' self knowledge and their awareness of others. To this end I conducted a case study of a group of ninth grade "basic" students at a local high school from April 16, 1993, until May 16,1993. At the end of the four weeks, I evaluated students' writings and interactions and came to the following conclusions: first, a Freireian approach to the teaching of poetry had greatly increased students' knowledge of poetry as a craft; second, a Freireian approach had increased students knowledge of poetry as an art; third, a Freireian approach had helped students gain knowledge of themselves as individuals from poetry; fourth, a Freireian approach facilitated decentering on the part of students; and finally, a Freireian approach helped students identify, build, and retain an authentic culture in the classroom.

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