Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

F. J. Wegmann

Committee Members

Arun Chatterjee, Jack Humphreys


This research was conducted to determine the feasibility of replacing the existing one-way traffic pattern with a two-way traffic pattern along Elk Avenue and E Street and to identify an appropriate traffic operational plan for downtown Elizabethton, TN. The study also investigated the feasibility of using an on-street angle parking space arrangement instead of the current parallel parking space arrangement. In order to analyze the traffic conditions of downtown Elizabethton, field observations of traffic volumes and traffic flow patterns along Elk Avenue and E Street were conducted. An inventory of parking was also taken to investigate the parking situation. It was concluded that Elizabethton should remain with the one-way street system instead of converting the two parallel roads of Elk Avenue and E Street to two-way operation. It was found that the parking supply is adequate and parallel parking is more appropriate for downtown Elizabethton than angle parking.

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