Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Bruce A. Ralston

Committee Members

Tom Bell, John Rehder


This research attempts to develop a means by which policy makers who are charged with formulating a national energy plan can utilize power plant operational data to visualize the spatial extent of power generating capacities. The methods developed here allow the analyst to synthesize statistics from a large archival database into the more manageable environment of Decision Support System, which is an integrated a collection of custom programs and standard office software and hardware. The system gives the decision maker the capability of creating various analytical scenarios by re-selecting (re- sampling) data elements, usually by geographic extent (state or group of states) and/or the type of fuel consumed by the power plants within those extents. The decision maker can then create contour maps and statistical surface models.

These procedures provide a mechanism by which data collected to perform one specific function of government, that of regulation, can be used to perform far different functions, those of formulating and planning for future energy needs.

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