Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Daniel Koch


This thesis is intended to convince the reader that a single repeater site can be used to cover the multiple facilities in the Oak Ridge Reservation. The reader is provided with a step by step process from which that conclusion was drawn. This conclusion is based on radio signal propagation analysis which uses the specific performance parameters of an existing radio trunking system into account. In addition a detailed analysis of system loading is provided. Software tools for propagation analysis and queuing theory are reviewed as are their specific applicability to the system and area being considered. Additional software tools are provided to allow specific loading projections at a later date, including a program to analyze the use of conventional radio networks. This work was accomplished while the author was gainfully employed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems and is a direct result of local concern on this subject. The vast majority of this work was accomplished by the author over a two year period. The overall philosophy of this work is - be conservative. Whenever there was a choice between an optimistic or conservative parameter or approach, the conservative was chosen.

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