Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Nancy A. Lauckner

Committee Members

Caroyln R. Hodges, John C. Osborne


This thesis presents an analysis of the character development of the female protagonists in Christa Wolf's Moskauer Novelle, Der geteilte Himmel, and Nachdenken über Christa T. Three levels of development are considered: personal, political, and literary.

The thesis consists of three main chapters in which the levels of development of Vera Brauer, Rita Seidel, and Christa T., the female protagonists of Christa Wolf's early works, are treated. One chapter is devoted to each of the three. To what extent the three protagonists can be reduced to a common denominator, and to what extent they differ from each other, will be discussed in the final chapter.

The levels of development--personal, political, and literary –can be found in all three works. A gradual intensification in development from work to work can also be noticed. The works reflect Christa Wolf's development as an author as well. She changed from a faithful member of her political party into a critical writer. Although all three works contain biographical features, one can especially feel the closeness of the author in Nachdenken über Christa T. She seems to have gone through the same development as her protagonist.

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