Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Ching F. Lo


The use of artificial intelligence technologies, such as expert systems and hypertext, could provide the automated facility necessary to build intelligent engineering assistants for use by the engineering experts themselves. These assistants would not only act as comprehensive aids to all engineers, but also as training tools. This research resulted in the construction of a Hypertext Document Builder (HDB) for the IBM-compatible PC platform, which alleviates the need for knowledge engineer's in the workplace while allowing engineer's access to a customized intelligent system. The HDB was built using knowledge gained through extensive research in studying and building hypertext documents for use in aerospace engineering. The HDB was applied in building an engineer's assistant for estimating boundary layer transition trip sizing and placement in transonic wind tunnel testing, to demonstrate its merit as an engineering tool.

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