Masters Theses


Alan C. Ewing

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

W. E. Blass

Committee Members

Stephen J. Daunt, Tom Handler


Spectra of the v7 band of ethylene were recorded using a tunable diode laser spectrometer and their linewidths were measured. Spectra acquired at pressures between 10 and 50 milliTorr and in a 45 cm cell are analyzed. Temperature is also accurately recorded. Line intensities are retrieved from the observed line widths. A broad band spectrum acquired at the Kitt Peak National Observatory on a Fourier transform spectrometer was also studied. TDL line intensities are used to calibrate the FTS data , and CO2 lines present in the FTS spectrum are used to calibrate line positions. A corrected pressure is determined and a series of line strengths from the Fourier transform spectra is reported

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