Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Anne McIntyre


Four forms of Block's (1965) Child-Rearing Practices Report (Third-Person Form) were studied to determine if a shorter, simpler form would yield the same results found using the original form. One of the four forms and a demographic information questionnaire were administered to 323 college students. Items from subscales of Kochanska, Kuczynski, and Radke-Yarrow (1989) and Rickel and Biasatti (1982) made up the shorter forms. Independent analyses of the Likert form and the 91-item, 56-item, and 55-item Q-sorts,, and a factor analysis of the 91-item Q-sort are discussed. The original CRPR is still most useful in providing a complete, comprehensive view of parenting styles and attitudes. The 55-item, 6-category Likert scale proved to have problems and not to be as useful as the Q-sort forms, but the 55-item, 5-category Q-sort and the 56-item, 7-category Q-sort were found to be useful in identifying specific aspects of childrearing practices and attitudes and can be substituted for the 91-item Q-sort in certain situations.

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