Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Basil N. Antar

Committee Members

Roy Schulz, Frank Collins


Data collected by an experimental apparatus subjected to both parabolic flight experiments and ground-based experiments were analyzed and compared. The data consisted of ten^erature and pressure readings gathered by thermocouples and pressure transducers as liquid nitrogen upflowed a stainless steel tube. Other data consisted of visual flow patterns as liquid nitrogen upflowed a quartz tube. This thesis presents a discussion and comparison of temperature and pressure data of the liquid nitrogen boiling within the stainless steel tube under both microgravity and normal gravity conditions. Some flow visualization is used when describing the speculation that a backpressure in the test tube may influence the quench temperature and quench speed. Recommendations are made for future experiments to further understand how the backpressure may influence the quench temperature and quench speed.

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