"Assessing the current knowledge and future prospect of mass timber" by Alexander T. Bremner

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Neelam C. Poudyal

Committee Members

Prakash Nepal, Consuelo Brandeis, Adam Taylor


Mass timber is a building wood system that is slowly growing in use in various parts of the world. The most common mass timber product in use today is cross-laminated timber (CLT) consisting of layers of glue-adhered lumber to create a component used for ceilings, floors, walls, and support beams. Most research on mass timber thus far has focused on engineering aspects of mass timber, although some sporadic studies have also investigated social and economic aspects. Since isolated knowledge does not cumulate, it establishes a need for a review of the current research surrounding the environmental, economic, social, and policy implications of mass timber. This thesis includes two studies in order to identify research gaps in promoting mass timber within the forest industry. The first study conducted a thorough and systematic review of literature on mass timber with a focus on the synthesis of current knowledge and establishing future research needs. To better fill these gaps in knowledge this thesis combines a second study connected by the topic of mass timber but narrowed in focus and purpose. The second study employed a qualitative social science method to investigate the viability of hardwood CLT manufacturing by implementing key informant interviews of knowledgeable professionals in wood sciences, engineering and architecture, and mill ownership. These studies will help better inform industry professionals, landowners, policy-makers, and the public on both the current state of mass timber in the United States in general and understanding the potential opportunities and barriers for a hardwood CLT market.

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